How to properly trim a dog at home with scissors or clippers and what rules should be followed
Every owner wants to see their pet healthy and beautiful. But it is correct to feed, walk and
Bald patches on a dog
Baldness around the eyes in dogs: possible causes, treatment methods
Dog owners sometimes notice that the hair around their pets' eyes begins to thin, fall out,
Brushing a dog's teeth
Toothpaste for dogs - review of manufacturers and the best products for cleaning dogs’ teeth at home (85 photos and videos)
Breeders have mixed feelings about toothpaste. Many people think that this is just pampering and
How long does a dog's heat last?
Frequent estrus in dogs: dangerous and non-dangerous causes
Estrus in dogs (estrus, mating, heat) is a natural process, indicating that
Eurikan vaccination for dogs: main features and instructions for using the vaccine
To protect a puppy or adult dog from contracting various infections that are dangerous up to
Restless dog behavior: causes and triggers
Invisible symptoms of disease in dogs. Taking care of your pet's health is an important part of caring for
How many teeth should a dog have?
Why does a dog's teeth fall out and how to deal with it?
Every inexperienced dog breeder must understand what responsibility he takes upon himself with the appearance of
How does a male dog go into “estrus”? (more precisely, how does a male tolerate the presence of a female in heat nearby?)
It is impossible to completely eliminate the smell of heat, because the vomeronasal organ (Jacobson's organ) in dogs helps
German Shepherd nutrition
Feeding an adult German Shepherd aged 9 months to 8 years
The German Shepherd is called a symbol of bravery and courage. This dog is faithful and at the same time
How long are dogs pregnant?
Pregnancy in a dog: duration, recognition, stages by week
Photo: Symptoms of pregnancy in dogs, term Dog pregnancy is a process that requires a special approach
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