Apoquel (Zoetis) antipruritic drug for dogs 3.6 mg 20 tablets

Pharmacological properties and dosage

The active ingredient in Zoetis Apoquel is oclacitinib.
First of all, it is a blocker of enzymes that are responsible for the production of cytokines. If a dog has allergic dermatitis, this indicator in the blood exceeds the permissible norm. This causes itching. Once the tablet enters the stomach, it dissolves and enters the bloodstream. The highest concentration is observed in the blood 60 minutes after application. It is excreted from the body naturally, practically unchanged.

You can take it from the owner's hand, along with food.

The regimen and duration of treatment are influenced by the etiology and pathogenesis of dermatoses. The veterinarian must take into account the pet’s condition and the clinical picture of the disease. In addition, you should always make sure that the dog swallows the required dose of medicine. During the treatment period, skipping medication should be avoided. This may reduce the effectiveness of drug therapy.

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Indications for use of Apoquel

Before giving this drug, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian in order to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Indications for use are the following dermatitis:

  • atopic;
  • food;
  • flea;
  • contact.

Most often, dogs develop allergies to foods, plants, household chemicals, dust and parasites. Often timely identification and elimination of the cause helps to avoid the use of medications. But in case of severe itching, in the case of a severe process or an advanced form of allergy, the doctor decides to use Janus kinase blockers.

Important! Complex therapy, including antihistamines and anthelmintic drugs, external agents for the destruction of ectoparasites, anti-inflammatory ointments, and transferring the dog to a hypoallergenic diet, helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment.


Oclacitinib maleate, which is the active ingredient in Apoquel, causes blocking of the Janus kinase enzyme (JAK-1 and JAK-2), which leads to the elimination of itching and inflammation.

The mechanism of this action is based on the fact that these tyrosine kinases send information to the brain about the entry of an allergen into the body, and then transmit the corresponding “guidance” to the skin. The result of this is itching, redness, inflammation and other manifestations of allergic reactions.

Blocking Janus kinases causes a short-term interruption of this chain, ensuring the absence of itching during an exacerbation of the disease. The animal does not itch, it does not develop mechanical damage to the skin and infection of the wounds with pathogenic microflora.

Important! Since these enzymes perform an important protective function, their prolonged blocking causes a decrease in immunity, anemia, exacerbation of chronic infections, and rapid growth of cancer cells. Absorbed from the intestines into the systemic bloodstream, the active component of Apoquel begins to show its maximum activity within an hour after use, but within 12 hours it is almost completely eliminated from the body

Absorbed from the intestines into the systemic bloodstream, the active component of Apoquel begins to show its maximum activity within an hour after use, but within 12 hours it is almost completely eliminated from the body.


The main action of Apoquel is antihistamine. Therefore, the drug is prescribed for various types of dermatitis - an allergic reaction that manifests itself on the skin and causes severe itching:

  • flea dermatitis;
  • atopic;
  • food allergies;
  • contact dermatitis.

Allergic reactions can be caused by various factors:

  • poor quality food;
  • food products;
  • parasites;
  • dust;
  • plants;
  • medicines, etc.

Very often, skin irritations are caused by fleas, ticks, and other microorganisms that damage the skin and secrete saliva. It is to this and the waste products of parasites that an allergic reaction most often occurs. Allergic flea dermatitis manifests itself not only on the skin and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the pet becomes restless and irritable;
  • he may refuse to eat and lose weight;
  • the wool becomes hard and brittle;
  • The dog is constantly itching.

Important! By licking the bite site, the dog damages the skin. Pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate open wounds, causing a secondary infection in the body.

Atopic dermatitis

– periodically occurring and genetically determined skin lesions in domestic animals. Initially it manifests itself as erythema (redness), then symptoms of secondary infections are added to it. The lesions are localized on the muzzle, around the eyes, as well as in the armpits and groin, in the ear canal, between the fingers, and around the anus. The main symptom of atopic dermatitis is severe itching.

The cause of the development of the disease can be any allergens:

  • dust mites;
  • pollen of plants, trees;
  • flour mites;
  • mold spores;
  • food allergens (for example, proteins).

Contact dermatitis is caused when an allergen comes into direct contact with an animal's skin. It can be caused by ointments and other medications applied to the skin, as well as shampoos and sprays, and other external agents. Manifestations are focal in nature: they appear only where the allergen has come into contact with the skin.

Scabies also causes severe itching. This is a dangerous disease caused by a microscopic mite – Sarcoptes scabiei. The parasite lives in the upper layers of the skin; animals become infected through direct contact with sick animals; less often, the parasite gets onto the pet’s skin from the environment.

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Most often, manifestations of the disease can be observed on the animal’s face, ears, stomach, knee and elbow joints. Scabs and scabs form on the affected areas. Only a veterinarian can determine the pathogen by taking a scraping from the dog’s skin and examining it for the presence of the parasite.

Important! It is necessary to confirm or rule out scabies, since Apoquel cannot be used if the itching and irritation are caused by mites or bacteria. The drug is effective only if the dermatitis is of allergic origin. If the disease is bacterial in nature, it will only suppress the immune system weakened by the disease.

Positive experience

“Not long ago, an abandoned dog of the Dogo Argentino breed came to me. Previous owners experimented with food, changing the protein every 2 weeks and undermined first the gastrointestinal tract, and then the immune system as a whole.

The girl arrived in terrible condition. She scratched and licked herself continuously. The armpits and muzzle were simply torn to the flesh. The itching was so severe that she could not sleep peacefully. However, scrapings, examinations and tests did not show the presence of ticks or fleas.

Diagnosis of food allergy, differentiated diagnosis – atopic dermatitis. The veterinarian recommended us the drug Apoquel at a dosage of 16 mg 2 times a day.

The effect was noticeable immediately, and literally on the second day the itching went away completely. According to the scheme, we gave the drug for 20 days, after which we reduced the dosage by half. For now, the dog is at the stage of selecting food; after finding the right diet, we will stop taking the medicine entirely.”

Marina Tolstova, dog owner. Dogo Argentino breed.

“My pug dog has been prone to allergies since childhood. Due to constant contact with the cat, she developed an allergy to cat hair. Her entire stomach and the places between her fingers were covered with small pimples, which she constantly scratched and licked.

The veterinarian prescribed a treatment regimen with prednisolone, but as soon as I stopped taking it, the itching immediately returned. The breeder advised me to try a new drug - Apoquel.

The tablets are tasteless and resemble chalk. Easily broken. Already on the first day the dog became much calmer, and after 2 weeks the fur on the licked areas noticeably grew back. Since cats live in our house all the time, the drug is prescribed for life.”

Sergey Bozhenkov, owner of the pug breed.

“We have a Shiba Inu dog. Although they are not very prone to allergies, apparently we were not very lucky. From the age of 6 months the puppy began to itch. Despite numerous examinations, the doctors unanimously stated that he was healthy, but the itching did not go away. Changing diet and medicated shampoos did not help.

On the Internet I came across information about Apoquel. Since there was nothing to lose, we decided to try it. An hour later the itching was gone! It was surprising, but the puppy stopped itching completely.

The dog experiences especially severe discomfort during the flowering season, and it was during the period of exacerbations that we decided to give this medicine. Absolutely no side effects. The only thing is that I started eating a little more.”

Irina Smolskaya, Shiba Inu breed.

Veterinarians' opinion

“Unlike hormonal drugs, the mechanism of action of Apoquel is based on the inhibition of cytokines dependent on the enzymatic activity of Janus kinase. It is easier to dose according to the dog’s weight and long-term use is possible, up to 14 weeks.

The bioavailability of the drug is 89%. It is excreted from the body unchanged, mainly by the kidneys. Refers to moderately dangerous substances, the prescription should be after a comprehensive examination of the dog.”

Andrey Kulik, veterinarian, candidate of biological sciences.

“When used in dogs with malignant tumors in an acute stage, the condition may worsen against the background of the rapid development of regressive processes in the affected tissues. The connection between the processes has not been fully studied; statistical data is in the process of being collected.”

Egor Vershinin, veterinarian.

“It is a good drug, but its use must be seriously justified, as there are various side effects. The most important advantage is the rapid onset of therapeutic results. This will help buy time to identify and eliminate the true cause of the itching.

It is recommended to use courses during periods of exacerbation.”

Maria Letova, veterinarian.

The objectivity of the use of any medicinal product must be assessed by a veterinarian. The drug Apoquel, like any other, has both disadvantages and advantages. Only after thoroughly studying the picture is it possible to choose the right treatment tactics and not harm the pet.


Apoquel should not be given:

  • puppies and young animals up to 1 year;
  • whelping, lactating females;
  • miniature dogs are lighter than 3 kg;
  • for males one month before and after mating;
  • dogs with weakened immune systems;
  • animals with Cushing's syndrome - a hormonal disorder with excessive production of cortisol;
  • dogs with malignant neoplasms.

Prescribed with caution for demodicosis: the disease begins and proceeds against a background of weakened immunity. In case of personal intolerance to the components, when the condition worsens after the first dose, the medicine is excluded and no longer used.

Apoquel analogues and their use

This drug has no direct analogues. There are medications that are prescribed for the treatment of dermatitis and skin pathologies. Analogs are provided in the table.

Name of the drug Description Dermoscent Drops for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Suitable for treating diseases of varying complexity. Restores the protective functions of the skin. The method of application is very simple: 1 pipette is used once a week. The course of treatment usually lasts 30 days ASD-3F Antiseptic and stimulant. Used to treat dermatoses, wounds, trophic ulcers. Promotes rapid skin regeneration. Designed for outdoor use

It is important to strictly adhere to the permissible dosage of Api-San. The active ingredient is clotrimazole. The spray is intended for the treatment of fungal skin diseases in animals Atop7 for dogs Effectively eliminates itching

The advantage of the drug is its natural composition. Suitable for private use. Safe and effective to use. Eliminates symptoms of skin allergies and dermatitis. Available in spray form and very easy to use, Zorka Cream Cream against dry skin and nipples. Contains Floralizin. Has a slight specific odor. Taken to treat cracks, erosions, dryness. It differs in that there are no side effects from its use. The cream is rubbed into the skin with light movements. In addition, the cream has no contraindications. Zoomikol Spray is prescribed for the treatment of trichophytosis, candidiasis, and cutaneous mycoses. It is important to consider that no more than 30% of the skin can be treated with this drug. The drug should not get into the dog’s eyes. If the treatment took place indoors, then after that it should be well ventilated. Espri spray Indications for use: eliminating bleeding and healing wounds. A natural remedy with high effectiveness. Quickly stops bleeding, creates a protective film on the surface of the skin. Can be used on puppies

Webinar by Svetlana Belova “Kortavance”. (GC "Vetprom", Virbak) 04/21/15

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It is worth noting that each analogue of Apoquel for dogs is designed to eliminate a specific problem. A full description will help you choose the right product. List of drugs for the treatment of skin diseases:

Cortavance. Spray for the treatment of inflammatory and allergic manifestations on the skin of animals. The active ingredient is hydrocortisone. Available in spray form. It is distinguished by its rapid effectiveness and wound-healing effect. Designed for outdoor use. Usually used once a day. The recommended course of treatment is 7 days. Can be used on puppies older than 7 months only as directed by a veterinarian. Arterium Sanodrem. The active ingredient is clotrimazole. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal effects. Intended for the treatment of ringworm not only in dogs, but also in cats. Mainly prescribed for the treatment of fungal skin infections. The cream should be applied to the skin 2 times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the veterinarian, taking into account the degree of skin damage. Usually drug therapy lasts 14-30 days

It is important to avoid contact with eyes. Gel Cicafolia. Skin restoration product

The composition contains only natural ingredients. Suitable for skin regeneration after first degree burns. Long-term supports the protective functions of the skin. Produces an antiseptic effect. After the first use, relief of the inflammatory process is observed. Invesa. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for aerosol spraying. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol (belongs to the group of broad-spectrum antibiotics). In addition, it has antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal effects. The drug is used to treat wounds in animals. Veda. Tablets for the prevention of skin diseases in dogs. The description of the drug helps determine the dosage for each pet. It is useful to take if the animal often has skin allergies.

02.02.18 Canine atopic dermatitis

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Taking into account the detailed description of the drugs, you can choose an analogue for Apoquel.

Mode of application

Tablets can be given regardless of feeding:

  • offer medicine by hand;
  • crumble and mix with food, wrap in a slice of meat;
  • forcefully place it on the root of the tongue.

The drug relieves itching after the first dose after 1 – 4 hours. The therapeutic effect lasts 24 hours.

Tablets are given daily twice a day every 12 hours. The maximum allowable course of treatment is 2 weeks.

To prevent exacerbations of atopic dermatitis, the drug is fed in the same dose once a day for no more than 14 days in a row.

Side effects what can be expected in case of overdose or individual intolerance

In case of serious overdose, the following side effects may occur:

  • The animal becomes depressed and apathetic.
  • Problems with the digestive system appear, including constant vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Bald patches (alopecia) may appear on various parts of the body.
  • The skin in some places thickens and becomes rough, which is most pronounced in the armpits and abdomen.
  • Numerous crusts and scabs form on long-suffering skin.
  • Cysts can also form in the interdigital spaces.
  • The development of edematous phenomena is quite typical.

Note that there are no specific remedies for the treatment of such poisonings. To stabilize the animal's condition, symptomatic therapy is used. Unfortunately, all of the above is not a complete list of possible side effects. Things could turn out to be much worse:

Cases have been described in which animals developed chronic cystitis as a result of unreasonably long-term medication administration. Sometimes the disease developed in an acute form, being complicated by ulceration of the mucous surface of the bladder.

If the drug is given to an animal for much longer than 16 days, then in approximately 1% of such cases the pet’s behavior becomes aggressive, and the appetite increases greatly.

In the same cases (long-term use), there is a possibility of developing tumors in the subcutaneous tissue and on the surface of the skin.

Due to the suppression of the dog's immune system (this is a common problem with long-term use of antiallergic drugs), the risk of developing yeast and fungal infections of the skin increases greatly.

Entrainment of lymph nodes.

The likelihood of developing demodicosis increases by approximately 70% (which is also associated with weakened immunity).

Compatibility with other drugs

It is allowed to use Apoquel in conjunction with antimicrobial, antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory drugs, since in practice no side effects from joint use have been observed. But it is prohibited to use the medicine simultaneously with immunosuppressants (for a known reason) and anticonvulsants.

Side effects

Apoquel is a fairly mild drug - it rarely causes side effects. Most often they occur when instructions are violated or due to an increase in dosage. The list of side effects includes:

  1. Indigestion - most often manifests itself in the first days, as a consequence of the fact that the body rejects the components of the drug. As a rule, this goes away at the second or third appointment.
  2. Cystitis or exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  3. Demodicosis or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Note! With uncontrolled use of Apoquel, the body's immunity is suppressed, and as a result, the risk of developing cancer increases.

What should you do if these effects appear?

A responsible and attentive owner will always notice that something is wrong with the well-being of his dog, especially if the breed is prone to allergic reactions.

If one or more components of Apoquel are not suitable for a dog, the symptoms of the underlying disease may intensify: unbearable itching, fever and lacrimation will appear. All that can be done in this case is to immediately contact a veterinarian for help.

Be prepared to tell your doctor about your last medication use and dosage.

Restrictions and overdose

Contraindications to the use of Apoquel are:

  • puppy age (up to 1 year);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Side effects occur extremely rarely; in most cases they can be caused by a significant excess of the dose or long-term (more than 3 months) use of the drug.

Important! Taking medication can affect the animal's immune system, inhibiting it, making it insensitive to pathogenic microorganisms.

Long-term use of the drug can lead to anemia. A decrease in immunity leads to the fact that the body is not able to timely transmit a signal about the appearance of atypical cells, which does not exclude the risk of sudden death, and no external signs of the disease are observed.


The shelf life of Apokvel is 24 months from the date of production. If a dog is given 0.5 tablets, then the remaining portion is suitable for consumption within three days provided it is kept in its original packaging (plastic bottle).

The container with tablets should be stored in a dark place without access to sunlight, where contact with chemicals and food products is excluded. The temperature range should be from 0 to 25. After overheating or freezing, the drug becomes unsuitable for use. If there are small children or people with poor vision in the house, then care should be taken to ensure that Apoquel does not fall into their hands and is not accidentally swallowed .

Despite the fact that Apoquel has no direct analogues, drugs that suppress the activity of the immune system and block the production of enzymes that are mediators of inflammation will help relieve inflammation and reduce itching.


This anti-inflammatory drug helps cope with the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, food, parasitic and other types of allergies. It is strictly prohibited to use Prednisolone for dogs, change the dosage or interrupt the course of treatment without the consent of a veterinarian.

Important! Long-term uncontrolled use of the drug can cause hormonal imbalance, after which a course of rehabilitation therapy will be required.


The medicine is used to relieve itching in atopic and allergic dermatitis, as well as eczema. Having a weak sedative effect, Hydroxyzine causes drowsiness and lethargy, which quickly disappear spontaneously. In case of an overdose, short-term convulsions, muscle tremors and disturbance of orientation in space are possible.


Despite the high effectiveness of Cyclosporine in the fight against itching and inflammation in atopic dermatitis and allergic reactions, it has one significant drawback - the drug begins to act 2-3 weeks after the start of use. As a side effect, short-term dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract is observed.

In many cases, veterinarians prescribe Cyclosporine in combination with Prednisone. But such use can only be short-term to avoid increased side effects. Accurate dosage calculation is also important to prevent excessive suppression of the immune system.

If after 14 days of using Apoquel or its analogues do not give a positive result, the dog continues to itch, and new lesions appear on the body, then it is necessary to inform the attending physician, who should reconsider the treatment strategy and prescribe other drugs.

In case of severe damage, Apoquel is used in combination with cyclosporines and steroid drugs. But at the same time, laboratory control is very important, which will allow timely detection of a critical decrease in the production of lymphocytes and other immune cells in order to prevent the development of irreversible processes in the body of a beloved pet.

What do they give from?

A veterinarian may prescribe Apoquel if, as a result of the diagnosis, the dog was diagnosed with dermatitis of the following types:

  • flea;
  • allergic;
  • atopic;
  • food allergy;
  • contact;
  • demodectic scabies.

Reference! If the cause of dermatitis is an allergy, then the veterinarian will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, including not only taking Apoquel, but also medicated shampoos, sprays, lotions and diet correction. This will speed up the healing process.

With pyoderma

In some cases, Apoquel is used as an adjuvant to relieve itching in pyoderma. Specific treatment and choice of medications depends on:

  • intensity and area of ​​damage;
  • forms of pyodermatitis;
  • dog's age;
  • general health of the animal.

Does it relieve neurogenic itching?

Neurogenic itching occurs due to a signal coming from the central nervous system. Apoquel affects the external factors of the disease, so it will be useless for mental disorders.

Treatment of the disease primarily involves eliminating the stress factor and providing the dog with positive emotions. If neurogenic itching is chronic, the doctor may prescribe sedatives.

general description

Apoquel, a Belgian-made drug, appeared after many years of research into the mechanisms of skin itching, and the announcement alone aroused interest among veterinarians. This is because instead of antihistamines, steroids and cyclosporines, the active substance is oclacitinib maleate.

For effective treatment, a course is usually prescribed, the dosage is selected depending on the complexity of the situation. Apoquel is available in veterinary pharmacies without a prescription; the approximate price of the minimum course is about 2,000 rubles (price per package).

Apoquel for dogs is a Belgian-made product that is given to animals as a medicine for inflammatory processes, itching and allergic reactions. One of the most effective drugs in the fight against itching in dogs, although it is expensive.

Active substances

The main active ingredient of this drug is oclacitinib maleate 3.6 mg; 5.4 mg and 16 mg according to dosage. The substance is a depressant for inflammation, allergies and itching. It is well absorbed and excreted from the body in 3 to 4 hours.

And although the instructions are written for dogs, you can give Apoquel to cats, but a doctor must prescribe the medication. There is no information in the instructions for cats due to the fact that the drug has not been officially tested for this category of animals. But veterinarians have long been successfully using it to relieve severe itching.

The medicine is produced in the form of oblong white tablets. Apoquel is produced in three versions - the tablets differ only in the content of the active substance (3.6 mg, 5.4 and 16 mg). Cats are usually prescribed the drug with the lowest concentration of the active ingredient. When purchasing medicine at a pharmacy, be careful, as it is not recommended to exceed the dosage.

On one side of the tablet there is the abbreviation “AQ”, and on the other there is a dividing strip. It allows you to divide the tablet into two equal parts, which is especially convenient for using the drug for small pets. The unused part of the tablet can be stored in a closed jar, but no more than 3 days.

Apoquel for dogs: what is it, general characteristics of the drug

This is the name of one of the most modern veterinary drugs used to combat allergies and their consequences (including autoimmune diseases). In addition, the drug can be used as an immunosuppressant. The proprietary international name is oclacitinib.

The mechanism of action is quite complex. But to explain in simple terms, the components of the drug inhibit the action of pro-inflammatory, pro-allergic and pruritogenic (they cause itching) substances (more precisely, cytokines) that work through enzymatic activity.

The drug allows you to effectively combat itching and inflammation that occurs as a result of the development of allergic reactions. One of the most important advantages of the drug is its safety for cytokines, one way or another involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

If the drug is used for a sufficiently long time, its inhibitory effect on the lymphoid tissue of the dog’s body is manifested (more precisely, the drug suppresses the activation of T-lymphocytes). This allows (in some cases) to use the drug to maintain a normal quality of life for pets suffering from autoimmune diseases (dangerous, only under the constant supervision of a veterinarian).

Release form

Currently, the drug is produced exclusively in tablet form. In appearance, these are quite large oval-shaped tablets, the color ranges from whitish-yellow to completely white. In the middle of each pill there is a clearly marked and fairly deep dividing line.

Attention! On each tablet, among other things, there is a letter designation that indicates the amount of the main active ingredient (this is marked AQ, M or L).

Packaging: 20 or 100 tablets. The drug is packaged in bottles made of dense white polyethylene. They are closed with a screw cap, equipped with a standard protection against opening by children (to open it, you need to press).

Proper storage, shelf life

Proper storage is the key to preserving the medicinal properties of the drug. The standard shelf life (starting from the date of manufacture stamped on the packaging) is exactly two years. Divided tablets can be stored for three days, also by placing them in any sealed bottle. If the expiration date has expired, use of the medicine is strictly prohibited. In addition, other rules should be observed during storage:

  • The drug should be stored at a temperature from 0 to 25° Celsius. Freezing the product is not recommended. The drug, which has been exposed to temperatures above 30° Celsius for several days, should not be used. Under such conditions, the destruction of the main medicinal components occurs, causing the therapeutic effectiveness to sharply decrease.
  • The medicine must be stored in rooms with normal air humidity. However, plastic containers forgive many liberties, but in high humidity environments they must be completely airtight.

Cost and available analogues

The anti-itch medicine Apoquel is quite expensive.

It depends on the dosage of the active substance and the number of tablets in the jar:

  • Price per package of 20 tablets. 3.6 mg varies from 1600 to 2000 rubles, 100 tablets. – from 8300 to 8600 rub.
  • The cost of a jar is 20 tablets. 5.4 mg is 1700-2000 rubles, 100 tablets. – from 8300 to 8700 rub.
  • Tablets in a dosage of 16 mg are the most expensive. Jar of 20 tablets. has a price from 2800 to 3200 rubles, 100 tablets. – from 13500 to 14300 rub.

Apoquel has no analogues of drugs.

If these tablets are not available, veterinarians may prescribe other medications.

Corticosteroids (prednisolone, cortisone, dexamethasone, etc.) are most often used. They reduce and eliminate itching and inflammation, but at the same time they have a lot of side effects and negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.


Another group of medications for allergies are antihistamines. These include suprastin, diphenhydramine. With their help you can relieve an acute attack. Another group is cromones, which are used for rhinitis, sneezing, and lacrimation.

Apoquel is a unique and fairly new drug that is highly effective in treating allergies and dermatitis in dogs.

It is expensive, but at the same time, it can help alleviate your pet’s condition in just 4 hours.

What drugs should not be combined with

Pharmacological interactions with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiparasitic drugs have not been established.

It is unacceptable to take Apoquel simultaneously with:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • immunosuppressants;
  • preventive vaccination.

As for personal prevention, when working with Apoquel you need to:

  • avoid direct contact with the drug;
  • after work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • Dispose of empty medicine bottles and do not use them for household purposes.

Important! If you accidentally take Apoquel or have an allergic reaction, go to the hospital immediately and do not forget to take the medicine with you

How long can you drink?

According to the instructions, the duration of drug therapy to eliminate systemic itching ranges around two weeks. The optimal treatment period is determined by the attending physician. It is strictly forbidden to independently extend the course of Apoquel in order to avoid the development of negative manifestations.

To maintain a healthy condition with atopic dermatitis, the doctor may reduce the dosage by half and prescribe lifelong use of the drug.

Is it addictive?

Unlike most antihistamines, Apoquel is not addictive. If necessary, the drug can be discontinued or reduced without consequences for health.

Impairments and side effects

“A male Dalmatian began showing allergy symptoms at the age of 10 months. First, excessive lacrimation appeared, then severe itching around the ear. The boy constantly scratched his ears with his paw and the shells were covered with solid crusts.

Healing did not give any results, since any treatment was combed off in a short time. After suffering for about 2 months, I decided to try the drug Apoquel. It was advertised as a remedy for any itching, but in our case it only made the situation worse.

The ears, by the way, are gone. But my whole body began to become covered with bald patches, and after Apoquel everything was itching. A scraping revealed a diagnosis of demodicosis, as a result of an overly damaged immune system. In addition, severe swelling appeared on the toes.

So we cured the ears, but the complication spread to the entire body. Plus the medicine is very expensive.”

Maxim Pastukhov, owner of the Dalmatian.

“The Labrador was prescribed Apoquel to relieve a negative skin reaction. The itching went away quite quickly, but when the dosage was given strictly according to the instructions (16 mg 2 times a day), the dog began to experience severe tachycardia, shortness of breath, and a depressed state.

When the dosage was reduced, the symptoms went away, but the desire to scratch oneself to the flesh returned. I conclude that it simply didn’t suit us.”

Alina Krotova, Labrador breed.

“Very expensive drug, money down the drain! Valid only for the duration of admission. It does not cure, but only relieves symptoms. Once you stop taking it, all the problems come back.

It strongly affects the functioning of all systems, judging by the fact that it cannot be taken by food animals. There is no reliable data on the effect with lifelong use, since it entered the market only recently.”

Kristina Klimova, Shar Pei breed.

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