A balanced diet with half a century of tradition: Hill's dog food

Every dog ​​owner tries to choose the best nutrition option for their pet. Often, this is not so easy to do. The size of the dog, age, diseases - everything matters. The best assistant to the owner in such a situation will be a food manufacturer who takes into account all factors. So today we'll be looking at the different dog food lines from Hill's.

About the manufacturer

The company's history dates back to 930, when a blind guy named Morris Frank traveled across America with his dog Buddy. On his trips, he shared with others that dogs are excellent guides that help blind people.

Frank's only problem was his dog's long illness, namely kidney failure. So he had to turn to Dr. Mark Morris Sr. for help. The doctor believed that the pet’s illness was associated with a poorly organized nutrition system and created special food for the dog. This is how the story of one of the largest pet food brands began.

Today, Hill's products are sold in 87 countries around the world, and the company's annual revenue is up to $1 billion. Due to the quality and properly developed technology, doctors around the world confidently recommend animal food.

The development of food for dogs is carried out at the special Hills Pet Nutrition Center in Kansas. Every year the quality of products and the trust of dog owners increases.

Description and composition of food

Due to the research results that Hills receives from its own certified laboratories. The company supplies the market with high quality food products for pets (cats, dogs). During development, special foods are created that meet the individual needs of any pet.

Hill's philosophy is the belief that proper nutrition for pets determines their healthy and long life. Currently, Hills is considered one of the leaders in the international supply of dog and cat food.

Hill's is guided by science-based nutritional research and produces its own complete pet food products with a precise balance of 50 nutritional ingredients. This is necessary to ensure that the individual needs of animals are met, based on age, lifestyle, breed, size and chronic diseases.

Hill's feed contains the following components in varying proportions (it all depends on the needs of the animal):

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • cellulose.

Among the vitamins in feed from the Hills company contain:

  • Group A vitamins help ensure proper muscle tone and support healthy skin and coat. Pregnant dogs and puppies in the active growth stage have a special need for vitamin A.
  • B vitamins support proper metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of your pet. The vitamin is needed primarily for animals with sensitive bodies, as well as those with skin problems.
  • Vitamins of group C are considered a substance that improves your pet's immunity.
  • Vitamins D and E help slow down the aging process, promote proper coat renewal, and strengthen the animal’s bone tissue and muscular skeleton.

In addition, the composition may contain cereals, rice, chicken pieces, egg powder, fish, lamb, rice and other components.

The ratio of each ingredient in different types of food is different.

Product Description

For more than 50 years, the Hill's brand has been producing food for dogs and cats. During this period, the food developed by Hill's has gained immense popularity among pet owners all over the world. The reason for this popularity lies in the extremely wide range of food products, which takes into account the age, size and physical condition of the animals. Hill's has a huge number of reviews.

Hill's manufacturers classify their products as super-premium food. This group of feeds is characterized by a high content of animal protein of the highest quality.

Hill's pricing policy is quite loyal. On average, a 2 kilogram bag of dry food will cost 1,500 rubles. A 7-kilogram one costs about 3 thousand, and a 12-kilogram one costs 5,500 rubles. This is often positively assessed in reviews. The manufacturer was one of the first to produce veterinary food. Next we will talk in more detail about the composition of Hill's products.


Most often, the first ingredient in Hill's food is meat. Its content can fluctuate at the level of 34-38%. At the same time, there is a note that the share of meat product in the feed reaches 50-54%. It would seem that these are excellent indicators for such food. But it's not that simple.

The product may contain, for example, “chicken flour”. This is not a very good indicator and makes it clear that 50% of the meat content in the product is most likely of very low quality. Because they are made from meat production residues. In addition, corn and corn gluten are often found in Hill's foods. These supplements are a cheap protein substitute, but they do not provide any nutritional value. Moreover, corn gluten can cause allergic reactions in animals.

The fat contained in animal feed also raises a lot of questions. There is no indication of the type of product. This means that this item may also hide cheap fats or production waste. Due to the content of these components, Hill's food has a fairly large number of negative reviews.

Soybean grinding, which is part of the products, is also a completely empty component; it does not carry any nutritional load. Used to reduce the cost of feed. The chemical preservatives used in the production of this series of food also raise questions.

Daily feeding rate

Hills has a number of recommendations to help pet owners keep their pets healthy:

  • measure the dog's weight;
  • Feeding should begin after examination by a veterinarian and taking into account the advice on the food packaging;
  • By assessing the physical condition of the animal, you can independently adjust the amount of feed the animal needs during its growth and development.

The transition to new food should be smooth so that the pet does not experience food rejection. In addition, gradualism means that over the course of a week it is necessary to mix the old food with the new, increasing the amount of the latter until the transition is complete.

Feeding can be selected from three possible variations:

  • access to food is freely available;
  • feeding is time limited;
  • feeding is limited by the amount of food.

Also, do not forget to provide clean drinking water to relieve thirst. Hills experts do not recommend giving your animal a variety of treats from the “human table,” as this can have a negative impact on the pet’s health.

Product line

Hills Company produces two product lines: dry and canned food. Thanks to the variety of food, each owner can choose the right one, taking into account the condition of his dog.

Hill's dry food forms the basis of your pet's diet. All ingredients are collected in the correct proportions so that the dog not only gains weight, but also continues to be active.

Hill's dry food

Hill's Science Plan

It forms the basis of the daily diet of healthy dogs of various breeds and ages. You can buy this type of food without prior approval from your veterinarian. The line includes food for puppies, nursing dogs and seniors.

Hill's Prescription Diet

Prescribed to those animals that have health problems. The need for food is associated with the doctor’s requirement for the dog to gain proper weight and maintain the liver and kidneys in normal condition.

Hills ideal balance

Wet dog food is also divided into two lines (for healthy and weakened animals). At the same time, you can feed such food only in exceptional cases, following the recommendations of a veterinarian.

Hills small breed food

Adult Mini Chicken

Products for adult dogs that contain dietary chicken meal. The photo and price of the product should be checked on the company’s website. Pros: good composition. Cons: not a pleasant taste.

Adult Advanced Fitness Mini

Prescribed to increase the activity of dogs that work in special facilities (suitable for corgis). Pros: Quality ingredients. Cons: high cost compared to analogues.

Canine Adult Small

It is a diet that contains dietary white meat. Pros: availability of turkey meat. Cons: Contains corn and wheat.

Canine Mature Adult 7+

Necessary for breeds to strengthen their bones, teeth, joints. Pros: pronounced effect. Cons: High amount of saturated fat.

All food for small breed dogs is distinguished from the rest by its dietary composition.

Food for large breeds from Hill's

Canine Performance Chicken

Prescribed to dogs that help in pastures and in the police. The ingredients include chicken meat, as well as vitamins and minerals in the required proportions. Pros: granules with increased energy value. Cons: Not suitable for all breeds.

Canine Adult Advanced Fitness Large Breed

It is recommended to include in the diet of dogs that are constantly active. You can buy it both dry and wet. Pros: good taste. Cons: Wet food should not be given to dogs very often.

Canine Adult Large Breed

Designed for breeds weighing over 25 kilograms. Pros: Contains proteins to improve the muscles of dogs. Cons: price.

Puppy Healthy Development Large Breed Chicken

Pros: suitable for large dogs up to a year old. Cons: Not suitable for small breeds.

Hypoallergenic food Adult Sensitive Stomach & Skin

Prescribed for those pets who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and hair loss. The composition contains omega 3.6 fatty acids and fiber.

Hill's medicated food

Prescription Diet Canine id

Pros: suitable for dogs of any breed diagnosed with gastritis. Cons: high cost.

Prescription Diet Canine j/d

Pros: Recommended for dogs with arthritis. Cons: complex composition.

Wet food

Canine zd

Pros: relieves allergy symptoms. Cons: problems with ordering.

Kidney Care k/d

Kidney health food with chicken.

Hill's Prescription Diet Canine W/D

Essential for those dogs that have been diagnosed with obesity. Pros: stabilization of the pet's weight. Cons: complex composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dog owners need to know that the composition of these foods is based not only on meat, but also on meat products. It is important to note that there are many reviews of this nutrition.

Another significant disadvantage of Hill's products is the rather modest composition of the feed. This is confirmed by reviews of the food.

However, one cannot fail to note the very wide range of products. This is an important plus, since the company takes into account the needs of dogs of different ages and sizes. In addition, a therapeutic and dietary food line can help dog owners who have significant health problems.

A very good addition to the food supply of this company is that the products are widely distributed and have a fairly reasonable price.

I would also like to note that Hill's food is a favorite example for counterfeits. When choosing food packaging, it is important to pay attention to the country of manufacture. Most of the packaging on the Russian market was produced in EU countries, in the Netherlands.

Reviews from veterinarians

Anatoly Viktorovich Sergeev, veterinarian:

“I recommend Hill's food to four-legged patients. And not only for those who have kidney or liver problems, but also for completely healthy dogs. The fact is that the food is the most balanced compared to analogues, due to which the diet contains the required daily dose of vitamins and nutrients.”

Anna Germanovna Akhtuba, veterinarian:

“I learned about the quality of Hill's feed when I was just studying to become a veterinarian. I did an internship in a hospital where they fed me exactly this food. Since then I have been recommending Hill’s, since every owner can choose the food he needs based on the condition of the dog and its characteristics.”

What is the best food to buy for a Yorkie?

When deciding which food is best to buy for Yorkie puppies, you need to remember that the most convenient, of course, is dry food, which you can feed the dog at any time of the day, leaving a large portion on the plate in the morning and calmly leaving for work. It also helps keep your teeth and mouth healthy by removing plaque from them. But if the dog has problems with the heart, bladder and kidneys, then this option is not the best because of the need to increase the amount of fluid during administration. It should also be used carefully when feeding older pets.

Wet food is more like natural food and is not as addictive as dry food. It maintains optimal water balance, is easily digestible and provides the necessary energy. In this regard, it is very relevant for puppies who require a lot of calories to gain muscle mass and normal growth. This food is also useful for adult dogs that are over 1 year old.

Here is the most rational food to choose depending on the situation:

  • In spring, when dogs' coat sheds a lot and loses its shine, you can switch to Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier dry food, which perfectly restores it.
  • If your dog has sensitive digestion, it will be useful to feed him Brit Care dry food with salmon and tuna, which does not irritate him or burden him.
  • To maintain normal physical shape for your pet, the Royal Canin Yorkshire Terrier Adult is the optimal choice.
  • Four-legged Gourmet Yorkshire sausages can take care of your teeth and immune system, although it is not medicinal.
  • For digestive disorders, it is recommended to purchase Hill's Prescription Diet i/d Digestive Care with a mild effect.
  • To strengthen the joints of Yorkshire Terriers, it would not be a mistake to purchase Belcando products.
  • In order to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can feed your Yorkie with products from Cesar.
  • Acana Heritage, Primordial Puppy and Native foods are intended for puppies.

High-quality food for your Yorkie will help you avoid many diseases and take care of the appearance of your beloved pet. That is why it is so important to take a responsible approach to its choice and take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular diet.

Owner reviews

Nadezhda V., Yorkshire terrier dog:

“I buy Busie only food from the Hill's line for small and large breeds. I like the balanced composition, thoughtful caloric content, and also the fact that the packaging provides clear nutritional recommendations.”

Nikolay I., lap dog:

“The dog has problems with the functioning of the stomach (congenital obstruction). The veterinarian recommended medicinal food (Prescription Diet Canine id) from Hills. I am satisfied with the cost, as well as its composition. In addition, it is sold in canned form, which is convenient, since you constantly have to feed on the road.”


Hill's feed analogues are:

Chappie, Pedigree. These foods are called the most undesirable for consumption, since they contain virtually no high-quality nutrients.

Purina. Good quality food, included in the average cost category. There is a wide range of flavors, as well as types, depending on the breed.

Akana. Among the top premium dog foods. Satisfies the animal's daily need for vitamins and minerals.

The best food for a Yorkie puppy

For Yorkie puppies under one year old, it is better to take special food that can meet their needs for vitamins, minerals, acids and calories. We studied the assortment of stores and, based on the results of an analysis of the composition, added 3 of the healthiest and most delicious products to this subsection.

Acana Heritage

This is a dry grain-free food based on chicken and turkey meat, the rest comes from legumes (lentils, peas, beans), vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries and even fish. Such a diverse composition dictated the high calorie content of the product, equal to 3660 kcal per 1 kg. Thanks to this, the puppy receives the amount of energy required for its age and grows confidently. Fiber and Omega acids are responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and proteins provide a systematic increase in muscle mass.

Acana Heritage, although dry food, is chewed by the puppy without problems, which guarantees the integrity of its teeth. Despite the enormous health benefits, it is still not medicinal. It is produced in several packages - 340, 2000, 6000, 11,400 and 17,000 g, and the larger the package, the greater the savings. The product is distributed in tight bags that do not allow moisture to enter.


  • Affordable price;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Diverse composition;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Complex effect on the body.


  • Over time, some dogs stop eating it as willingly as at the very beginning.

Acana Heritage is intended for feeding puppies up to 1 year of age, after which the animal is switched to adult food.

Primordial Puppy

This is one of the few holistic products in our rating that is made with the addition of both chicken and fish. This food is completely grain-free and guarantees stable growth of the pet. It provides a low glycemic index, good appetite and excellent digestibility. Sources of antioxidants and vitamins here are fruits and vegetables, essential oils and medicinal herbs.

Primordial Puppy is a complete food for puppies of small, medium and large breeds, which does not require additional nutrition. It is valued due to its high content of protein, amino acids, vitamins A, B1 and many others, mineral elements - phosphorus, calcium, etc. Steaming the product allows you to save the maximum amount.


  • Not tested on animals;
  • Supports healthy intestinal microflora;
  • Reduces negative impact on the environment;
  • Regulates blood sugar levels;
  • Contains only natural ingredients.


  • It may be necessary to increase the amount of drinking water your Yorkie consumes.

Reviews say that after including this food in the diet, terriers' appetite improves.

Native food

This is a fairly popular food for puppies, designed with their needs in mind. It has the familiar taste of chicken to dogs, but consists of chicken flour (29.5%). This component provides quick saturation, and grains in the form of wheat and corn guarantee energy, which is very important for young dogs. The composition also includes pumpkin, dried apples and a number of other natural ingredients that are sources of antioxidants, all kinds of vitamins and minerals.

Dry food “Native food” has an average energy value of 3700 kcal per 1 kg. This is quite enough for the puppy to gain the required weight and normal height. Several package sizes are available for sale - 0.409, 2.045 and 16.38 kg. It is sold in convenient paper bags. This product is intended for puppies up to 1 year of age.


  • Natural ingredients in the composition;
  • Fine grind;
  • Small portions, which are enough to satiate the animal;
  • Adequate taste and aroma;
  • Hypoallergenic.


  • Not holistic.

There is practically no benefit when buying a package of 2 kg versus 400 g, so it is recommended to immediately buy the largest package - 16 kg, especially since this food is stored very well.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Hills produces dry and wet pet food.
  2. The history of the creation of food goes back to 930 years.
  3. Hill's is one of the top best foods and has a fairly large line of products.
  4. The food has good reviews from veterinarians and owners.

Has your pet tried this food? Share your impressions and observations in the comments.

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What brand of food for Yorkie is better to choose?

The choice of companies supplying the market with dry and wet food for Yorkshire terriers is represented by more than 30 companies. However, not all of them can offer natural, safe, tasty, healthy and affordable products at the same time. Our rating includes companies that successfully combine all this.

We present the 10 best food companies for Yorkies:

  • Eukanuba is a brand of nutrition for cats and dogs of various breeds, owned by Spectrum Brands Europe and Mars, Inc. For the safety of animals and the convenience of their owners, the catalog allows you to select products according to the age of the pet - for puppies up to 1 year, adults and elderly dogs over 6 years old. Its compositions are hypoallergenic and safe for the body, made from vegetables, berries, fruits, meat, that is, from environmentally friendly ingredients.
  • Brit Care is a Czech brand that brings food to the market for dogs of all breeds - small, medium and large. He has products for puppies in a separate category. Most often, its mixtures are made without grain, based on meat, and various vegetables, berries, fruits, and fish are used as a supplement.
  • Royal Canin - this brand does not need any special introduction, as it is one of the market leaders in premium dry and wet food for cats and dogs. They are popular due to their high concentration of nutrients - vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. The products of this company are chosen for a number of reasons - hypoallergenic, economical consumption, optimal calorie content.
  • Four-Legged Gourmet – this company’s line includes special food for the English breed of dogs such as the Yorkie, which is made from natural, selected ingredients using unique technologies and undergoes strict quality control. It is supplied to pet stores throughout Russia, we are talking about canned food in metal cans.
  • Hill's - the company produces special care products and food, including dietary ones. She has a range of food for puppies, dogs over 1 year old, 7 and 11 years old, that is, for the elderly. Certain products are intended for use in various diseases, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Belcando is a German pet products company founded in 1963. Its Bevital plant, where everything is produced, is located in the Münsterland region. These foods are the best for Yorkies, in particular, due to the use of natural ingredients in the form of meat, fish, berries, fruits and vegetables, while the amount of grains is reduced. Reviews note their pleasant aroma, as well as good appetite and improvement in the condition of pets’ coats after a short period of use.
  • Cesar is a brand owned by the American company Mars, which produces not only food for animals, but also products for people. Basically, it produces wet food for small breeds, but there are options for medium, as well as large and universal ones. The basis of the composition is: lamb, beef, chicken, rabbit, offal, cereals.
  • Acana is a manufacturer of natural food made from Canadian ingredients for cats and dogs, which carries out a full production cycle: from the selection of components to the formulation and packaging of mixtures. They include more than 50% meat - lamb, pork, duck, etc., but grains are used here very carefully. Nutrition is developed taking into account the needs of Yorkies and dogs of other breeds for energy, vitamins and minerals.
  • Primordial is an Italian brand offering dry and wet food for dogs of various breeds. It contains over 60% meat, fish and poultry. It is recognized as hypoallergenic and safe for dogs with sensitive digestion. It is characterized by high energy value, high concentration of vitamin A, E and other beneficial substances.
  • Native food - this trademark was registered in 2015 and belongs to. She has food for cats and dogs, particularly Yorkies. The advantages of its products are a natural, balanced composition, which includes meat, vegetables, fruits, and berries.

The best dry dog ​​foods

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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